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May 7, 2018

We’re very excited to announce our newest distribution site atop Ajax Peak. This site serves a huge section of St. John where commercial services remain limited or all together unavailable today.

Morgan, Pete and Dylan applied lessons learned to make this distribution site a model for future installations. The rocky, mountainous topography of our volcanic islands make serving wireless internet a challenge to say the least. This site represents a critical piece in the puzzle.

This location will also allow us to establish critical redundancy in our link to Coral Bay. Establishing redundancy wherever possible is a key feature in allowing us to bring connectivity to our first responders and other critical infrastructure quickly in the wake of future emergencies.

We are very grateful to the homeowners for generously hosting this distribution site in such an important spot. Ajax Peak makes our 16th distribution site online since our work began. Next up, we are planning a site for the East End which will reach around the ridge lines that block our current availability.

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